Thank you for visiting the web site for Equine Therapy, Inc., an equine therapy service business based in Lexington, Kentucky since 1982.
The Web Site has been totally redesigned and refocused for 2011. We still have lots of content to work on and some house keeping chores. The Web Store is permanently closed.
Complementing the role of the equine veterinarian, equine therapists increasingly provide secondary care procedures that aid in healing injured horses--much as athletic trainers do for human athletes. The field of Equine Therapy is growing, as are the number of products available for the therapists' use. On this site I will describe the tools and techniques we use in our daily treatment of post-injury and post-surgical treatments.
Our business model begins with a complete veterinary diagnosis and we endeavor to maintain open lines of communication with the veterinarian in charge of each case. We feel it is important for the Equine Therapist and the veterinarian to confer on the rehabilitation plan for the horse to achieve the best outcome.
For basic information on Equine Therapy tools, or "modalities," use the menus at the top or bottom of each page. These subject pages have links to a second layer of information consisting of published research articles that support the use of the tools we use. This web site is dedicated to presenting the extensive scientific support of the various therapy tools we use as Equine Therapists.
The author of "The New Equine Sports Therapy," Mimi's extensive work history commands the respect of equine practitioners from around the world: She serves as a consultant, a lecturer and a working therapist. For a review of Mimi's latest book, click on "The New Equine Sports Therapy" link above.
Our privacy policy can be found by clicking the "privacy policy" link. If you have questions or concerns about our site, please send an e-mail message to Mimi Porter at:
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